Suggestion: Setting to turn off sound level warning
NOTE - Bumped after conversation with Jolla staff, bumping an old thread where the issue is still relevant/active and hasn't been officially answered as an issue Jolla will take up, or has rejected... is permissible as a way of keeping these things alive.
I get the European mandated warning about audio levels whenever I'm connecting to an audio device ... but not all my audio devices are headphones. I mean, I appreciate being given the warning, but I am totally fed up with my volume being knocked down and being faced with the warning every time I connect to something.
I have been caught shouting at the phone, "I get it already!"
I also use high impedance headphones which require extra power. It is not possible for the phone to know how much actual db is being generated at the ear. The entire warning itself is unreasonable and not practical in my opinion.
How about, at the least, a switch in the developer options ... after all, it's perfectly legit to want to not be nagged if you're developing software... right ;-)
I agree, once you have answered the "I understand" prompt it should stop bugging me about it later on. At least, there should be a way to turn the prompt off completely, unless there is some sort of law that prevents from doing just that.
Matoking ( 2013-12-24 22:52:43 +0200 )editAgreed. Reasonable to restore notice after a reset to factory etc.
Faz ( 2013-12-25 05:22:47 +0200 )editYah it's annoying, i use my phone with external headphone amp, and need to get to volume up, and then i control the volume from the amp.
Whippler ( 2013-12-25 11:00:23 +0200 )editCE certification requires that the user is nagged every 20h (EN 60950-1/A-12).
Kontio ( 2013-12-25 15:36:12 +0200 )edit@Kontio They don't have to know... ;)
gukke ( 2013-12-30 03:28:48 +0200 )edit