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[Poll] File System(s) support on SD card for Jolla Tablet

asked 2014-12-03 15:16:30 +0300

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updated 2014-12-05 22:17:31 +0300

pulsar gravatar image

Dear Jolla Community,

As announced in this post, here is an official poll where you can vote and above all contribute by proposing better Open Source File System(s) support on the Jolla Tablet.

As an example, an encrypted microSD card (LUKS) is a possible option.

We really want to drive this with your immensely valuable input, and work together to implement the solutions you want and need.

So please, have your say, discuss and vote on what really matters to you, the Community!

Thank you <3

Jolla Tablet Team

As this is a poll, remember to always set your answer as a wiki post, else you might lose some karma points...
And also have a look to the guidelines tag to learn more about our general practices, thanks!

@Stskeeps wrote:

As a general note: here's the chance to affect something better being supported for open file systems under SailfishOS. Exclude X from device isn't something doing that. Things like, export your files as ext3 over USB, multi-partition support in the device, enablement of swap if existing in file system table, selections in dialogs of ext4/btrfs/ZFS/what do you have, .. even NFS. It's a good time to get creative.

Once we have gathered a good amount of feedback and ideas, we will take the most significant (feasibility, usefulness...) proposals and gather them in a new poll as runner ups for the final decision on what can be implemented.
Let's work this together :)

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Why is everything "jolla-tablet"? I thought it is SailfishOS... the then two devices should behave the same, software-wise.

chemist ( 2014-12-03 17:54:21 +0300 )edit

The answer: inidiviual pay for exfat. People who wants to use it, can use it. You can push it to Sailfish just as the optional update(1.1.x) before. Pay Jolla, Jolla flips the switch and a system-update comes in, with exfat.

RobNas ( 2014-12-03 18:14:58 +0300 )edit

As a general note: here's the chance to affect something better being supported for open file systems under SailfishOS. Exclude X from device isn't something doing that. Things like, export your files as ext3 over USB, multi-partition support in the device, enablement of swap if existing in file system table, selections in dialogs of ext4/btrfs/ZFS/what do you have, .. even NFS. It's a good time to get creative.

Stskeeps ( 2014-12-03 21:48:49 +0300 )edit

Reading Stskeeps's comment it may be better to retitle the poll and not restrict it to file system support "on SD card" as the tablet has USB host mode and file system support is also essential for devices which are attached to the USB port or connected over the network.

flint ( 2014-12-04 18:12:35 +0300 )edit

This topic is very related to the wiki post I made nearly a year ago, so be sure to pay a visit to it :) : https://together.jolla.com/question/9816/use-alternative-file-systems-for-sd-card/

javispedro ( 2014-12-04 19:30:05 +0300 )edit

32 Answers

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answered 2014-12-03 18:15:24 +0300

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updated 2014-12-03 18:20:39 +0300

dac gravatar image

The answer: inidiviual pay for exfat. People who wants to use it, can use it. Jolla can push it to Sailfish just as the optional update(1.1.x) before. Pay Jolla, Jolla flips the switch and a system-update comes in, with exfat.

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That's conditional on the MS license allowing optional support for FAT in devices though. They may not.

Andy Branson ( 2014-12-05 13:11:51 +0300 )edit

FAT should not be a problem, it is a very old filesystem and the patents should have expired. The latest claims survived were about long filenames, but the Linux filesystem changed the encoding enough to be in the clear (at least, that part was changed, it is difficult to say for sure, since patent wars happen behind closed doors)

mikelima ( 2014-12-06 02:36:17 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-12-03 22:53:06 +0300

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updated 2014-12-06 02:16:14 +0300

mikelima gravatar image

I would prefere to reformate my microSD cards and get splitScreen than giving Microsoft all that money.

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Let us try to make the best of the situation, and ask for some useful functionality in the mass memory department. We will probably get both, in the end, if Jolla survives long enough to deliver it. :)

Which it might not do, if it continues misunderstanding its own userbase, but...

Anyway, let us keep on topic:

File System(s) support on SD card for Jolla Tablet

This question does not address it.

mikelima ( 2014-12-06 02:11:57 +0300 )edit

I just sad I want every format that's free

DrBlock42 ( 2014-12-06 02:15:04 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-12-04 20:24:23 +0300

dimitridv gravatar image

updated 2014-12-04 20:25:59 +0300

Use and support UDF as filesystem for the microsd card

UDF can be used on the main operating systems for both reading and writing and doesn't have the fat32 restrictions on filesize As long as the correct formatting command is used (check here: http://tanguy.ortolo.eu/blog/article93/usb-udf) it should work without issues.

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If the Jolla device supported UDF, it might start some interest in it as a format for all removable media. Honestly, I think the only reason it isn't used more is because it's not supported by the Windows Format UI. It's fully supported by the rest of Windows though. Even the Format command!

Andy Branson ( 2014-12-04 23:03:16 +0300 )edit

In fact on my windows pc I have set up a batch file which asks for the drive letter in an inputbox and formats to UDF, really simple. And I have verified a few minutes ago that my 32 GB microsd card formatted to UDF on windows 7 works perfectly on the latest ubuntu, both read and write.

dimitridv ( 2014-12-04 23:20:50 +0300 )edit

And please add UDF support to the Jolla phone too!

Andy Branson ( 2014-12-07 01:50:12 +0300 )edit

I'm new to this board (TJC), but I have a suspect that if an answer was preceded by many others, its visibility is poor to start with, and doesn't really get the chance to get better. May be that my answer is worse than others, but in such case it would be nice to know why. I tested this evening a UDF hard drive partition of 300 GB, was perfectly read and written by both Ubuntu and Windows 8. Sounds to me like a great filesystem for cross compatibility between Sailfish and PCs?

dimitridv ( 2014-12-09 23:14:56 +0300 )edit

Adding this link here as it is related, please upvote: https://together.jolla.com/question/10353/support-udf-for-microsd-filesystem/

dimitridv ( 2015-01-29 17:23:58 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-12-04 15:06:07 +0300

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updated 2014-12-04 15:16:51 +0300

the_mgt gravatar image

This question is so ambiguous. As a linux user, I simply expect that every possible linux fs should also be usable on the SD card. Even if some of them might make no sense on a SD Card, but FOSS is about choice...

The linux filesystems are free, so the only tradeoff is the ram/disk space the module for the kernel consumes and the fsck tools, etc. So this poll could shed light on the demand for a certain fs. Maybe the "winners" could be turned into "apps", so that I can add them on demand (kernel module and userspace tools). Or make one "filesystem chooser" app which then downloads the in kernel file system packages (kext style or whatever). Even ntfs-3g, if possible. If the tablet has USB OTG, I might want to attach a NTFS harddrive.

LUKS is kind of a meta-fs thing, of course it is a very nice thing, make it part of the filesystem chooser app or a dedicated app. I would be happy if the pin protection every SD card has would be supported and the internal FS of Jolla would be luks encrypted.

LVM... I do not see the point on a mobile phone, I imagine the overhead eats more battery than any benefit I could have from LVM is worth.

NFS... probably cappy via Wifi/USB. Too slow and works best on "solid" networks.

The next thing to address would be the crappy MTP support. OSX users are unhappy, license vegans probably hate it because MS might profit from it. So what do we do with large SD cards? Some scenarios:

  1. Make parts of the SD Card available as mass storage for USB, so it works as a portable hard drive. No MTP on that area. Make it a dedicated folder on the card, not a dedicated partition. Partitions are harder to handle for most people.
  2. Make this mass storage available via Wifi (maybe even Bluetooth/PAN), like a portable HD with Samba/FTP access. Similar to tethering hot spot. Make it possible, that more than one user is able to access it. (No user rights, but multiple user access.) Make "infrastructure vs ad-hoc" chosable.
  3. Make it possible to share some space with a login/password and some of the place.
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Do you want to marry me? ;)

chemist ( 2014-12-04 15:15:18 +0300 )edit

fyi, btrfs is the standard fs for Jolla internal flash...

dac ( 2014-12-04 15:15:36 +0300 )edit

@chemist: I am already in a happy relationship. :) @dac: Thought so, still, people are asking for it. I somehow took it for granted that Sailfish will read any major linux fs on a sdcard. At least I expected that you could instal xfs/jfs/reiserX with the package management tool.

the_mgt ( 2014-12-04 15:22:52 +0300 )edit

"Every possible linux filesystem" is too much to ask.

Of course, it does not cost much to add the relative modules, but "supporting" them means that if there are bugs, Jolla employees will have fo analyze the problem and fix it. This is not optimal, since resources could be spent on rarely used features.

So let us focus on a small selection of options that would be useful to support, and make them work flawlessly.

I would say that:

  • FAT is common and already supported, I do not think this is controversial
  • btrfs is the filesystem used for the internal storage, supporting it on the SD card should not be a problem
  • ext4 is stable and commonly supported in linux based devices, it could be an additional candidate.
  • f2fs could be interesting, as it is supposed to be optimized for flash memory. I do not know much about it

Personally I would keep the choices to that. Business factors may require the support of exFat. Even because it probably has been promised as a perk for the 1.5M goal. Jolla is in a bad position on that account no matter what they do - they cannot really take that back, nor could they make free sources enthusiasts -- like myself -- completely happy.

Anyway, as long as it is easy to use a well supported Linux filesystem, I am happy.

mikelima ( 2014-12-04 15:25:59 +0300 )edit

This is the best answer yet IMHO. I strongly believe exFat should be an optional un/install (like in settings) as to not add proprietary blobs to those who don't want them. But you must think about interoperability. On should be able able to transfer data from the sdcard to, say, a computer without any hassle (someone mentioned KISS). As I see it, the best solution is to allow an easy way to transfer from the device (internal and external memory) through wifi/bt or ssh. I don't think is it fundamental to have an sdcard formated so it can be read by every computer, Jolla will not be able to please everybody anyway (win/mac users need sth lile exFat and unix users want os fs). But we need some way to transfer datas between devices. If I want to put photos/videos on my tablet, I must be able to do it easily, am I using a mac, windows or unix. So some compromise has to be found here. Camera compatibility is not an issue since, as someone mentioned earlier, we don't see much camera support more than 32gb, nor users buy more than that (the need is not real).

So a good idea would indeed be to support all major opensource fs, an optional exFat support and a wireless transfer sytem (although one can buy one of those wifi sdcards, even though I don't know if they work well). And encryption support, which would be a huge bonus.

sandy_locke ( 2014-12-14 15:54:15 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-12-03 18:15:27 +0300

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updated 2014-12-03 18:20:26 +0300

dac gravatar image

I don't think this should just be about the tablet. The mobile phone is just as important!

I would just state that it's a SDHC with support for larger cards with the installation of a additional package from the Jolla store. Like I stated in the main discussion you can do this without breaking ANY rules. Just have the RPM build the source.

This way you don't have to pay micro$oft. You don't need to state it has SDXC support. Just that you support larger cards with a bit of software from the store. Most people don't know if it's SDHC or SDXC when they get a SD card. All they need to know is if it works or not. You can even make a build in trigger that will detect exFAT and install the support.

But a option to format and encrypt the flash drive is the best way to go. This will give power users a very big edge over a other device. Any only think about this for government users. They can have a cheap secure phone/tablet.

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The "about device" could show how big (and what type of) SDxx cards are supported, based on whether the additional package is installed or not. It's good for users to have an easy way to check it imo.

xkr47 ( 2014-12-09 23:07:16 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-12-03 23:38:11 +0300

MartinK gravatar image

Support for XFS formatted micro SD cards. If XFS is good enought to be the default filesystem on RHEL7/CentOS 7, it should be also good enough for the Jolla SD card! :)

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xfs is good only on systems with robust UPS and those that almost never get switched off. If you remove your xfs formatted sdcard without umouting it you'll lose data. fsck.xfs will repair the file system but your data is gone! I dealt with xfs on my personal desktop for few years and despite i had a UPS i did lose data few times. xfs journaling will kill sdcard rather quick, that's why sdcards are formated always with nonjournaling fs or journaling switched off. Xfs without journaling is pointless. ;)

Kollin ( 2014-12-04 00:20:51 +0300 )edit

@Kollin I rember reading somewhere that power loss used to indeed be quite an issue with XFS, but supposedly should be fixed in recent XFS versions. Unfortunately I have not been able to find the article now...

As for Journaling, that might indeed be a good point. It could produce a lot of small writes and if I remember correctly, writes on flash devices need to be done in fairly large sectors, so that can mean quite a lot of sectors being used up even though the data amount is quite small.

On the other hand, on a 128 GB micro SD card, there could be a lot of sectors and in many cases writing could be quite sporadically (photos/videos from camera, dumping music/video files).

I think some sort of a benchmark of all the different filesystems would be really nice! :) Especially if the level of "wear" for a given filesystem could be measured somehow (eq. amount of wear for 10000 128 kB files, for 10 1 GB files, etc. :) ).

MartinK ( 2014-12-04 01:01:03 +0300 )edit

I don't know how but btrfs killed two of my 64gb sdxc cards (mind that btrfs is optimized to work with flash drives). xfs is just not designed for flash drives, i'm may be wrong but i had my bad experience with it. As a long time linux user i have my share of fs hacking (ext2 reiserfs xfs reiser4 btrfs ext4...) witch points me toward the decision that next sdxc card will be formatted with ext4. Tuned ext4

Kollin ( 2014-12-04 01:20:46 +0300 )edit

Supporting XFS has nothing to do with being limited to use SD cards. Imagine you attach an external hard drive over USB which has an XFS partition.

shmerl ( 2014-12-04 01:40:45 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-12-04 17:51:15 +0300

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updated 2014-12-06 02:16:59 +0300

mikelima gravatar image

OK, lets go to the crazy territory!

Support for mounting and exporting iSCSI LUNs!

iSCSI is a time proven technology enabling easy data access over the network. There are many interesting possible uses for iSCSI on Jolla devices:

  • MPT and mass-storage replacement - just export a loop file from internal storage or the micro SD card as an iSCSI LUN!
  • samba/cloud storage replacement - just export the data you need on your Jolla as iSCSI LUNs and mount them on your Jolla!
  • make sure your data is aways available - use iSCSI as two way multipath (wifi & mobile internet, mobile internet & usb networking, etc.) so that the data you need is always reliably available even when switching network connections! :)
  • robust authentication and access control using CHAP or reverse CHAP protocols! :)
  • think big - just 128 GB ? with iSCSI you can easily mount LUNS multi-terabyte LUNs and above with ease! :)
  • have the first enterprise storage ready mobile device! :)

@Stskeeps: Creative enough ? ;-)

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One word: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_Attached_SCSI

javispedro ( 2014-12-04 19:15:58 +0300 )edit

@javispedro Well UASP actually makes sense - #unlike iSCSI. ;-)

MartinK ( 2014-12-04 21:13:08 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-12-04 17:59:43 +0300

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updated 2014-12-04 17:59:43 +0300

simo gravatar image

Yes for multi-partition support!

This way we can have a primary partition in FAT32, compatible with devices supporting only one partition, and more partitions with our desired (and supported) file systems

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answered 2014-12-05 18:54:25 +0300

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updated 2014-12-05 18:54:25 +0300

mikelima gravatar image

As this poll seems to be on how to handle SD cards, in general, rather than to focus on formats and file systems, I would like to add a question about supporting booting from the SD card as well as from the internal flash.

What I mean is, handling the SD card as a PC would do, and letting the user chose the SD card as the bootdisk when the tablet is started.If the tablet has an EFI bootloader it should be possible, but it would be nice to have it confirmed.

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answered 2014-12-04 20:33:40 +0300

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updated 2014-12-04 20:33:40 +0300

penpen gravatar image

ext3/4 filesystem support, both formatting and automounting.

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This is all I ever use and is always supported on all Linux distributions i have ever used (ext4 since it came and ext3 before that).

imperios ( 2014-12-04 21:01:31 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2014-12-03 15:16:30 +0300

Seen: 7,811 times

Last updated: Feb 07 '15