[feature request] Notification area instead of ambience switcher
asked 2014-12-08 13:59:01 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Since switching ambience isn't that frequent action (and since there are amazing related projects, please vote here) I think it would be more suitable to get notifications on left/right pane and move global settings for current notification área.
There are several questions about improvements for notifications: add rss and calendar events... I think it would be great to have the chance to choose on which pane we have each pool of features.
Thanks. This community rocks.
Edit: @Oneone, you're not reading my comments, so I post them here so you can read'em
oku +1 An example: current notifications area: add fast access for main settings options, and compact view for notifications. Left/Right swipe for complete log of notifications (on multitasking level) Someoneortwo (2 hours ago)edit
Left/right swipe must be reservedfor current app... for example https://together.jolla.com/question/42425/feature-request-a-more-gesture-based-web-browser/ @all thanks for yr comments
I'm talking about current ambience selector on Multitasking level not everywhere, so please just read comments from people who want to talk with you.
Edit I've make it a community wiki so you can edit and delete this notice. :-)
While I can agree the ambience switcher is at the moment far from the potential of the place it is occupying, we have already seen at MWC14, there's more to come in that space. Also I believe the potential of the ambience ffeature itself wll improve far beyond the current functionality.
More importantly your idea brings a huge inconsistency into the UI concept. One would do the same thing (or almost the same) different ways on different places in the UI. For what reason?
You are right the event view has plenty of space for improvement, so let's talk about what could be done to make it work better for the users (integrating global settings, more detailed information available at the event view, notifications log, API so third party apps can use it, ...) rather than creating a new place for the same information/purpose.
strnous ( 2014-12-10 09:00:05 +0200 )edit