[Poll] MeeGo theme for Sailfish OS - who want?
asked 2014-12-09 14:33:12 +0200
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With all respect for Jolla designers - as a former user of N9 I miss minimalist and beautiful Meego UI. I know that for legal reasons it was not possible to apply this in the Sailfish OS. But - maybe there is a possibility of preparing graphic "theme" - so to give even a substitute for MeeGo feel? ... How do You think?
I've wondered about this, so I started with just changing launcher icons for ones that I have saved from N9 days. The process is not exactly straight forward and of course, the only change is the launcher icons, nothing else, unless an ambience theme is created to 'match' the launcher icon set.
Spam Hunter ( 2014-12-09 14:44:33 +0200 )editHmm, that`s an idea! :) With optimised ambience... maybe it is it :)
albacoris ( 2014-12-09 14:47:36 +0200 )editA little reminder of some of those n9 icons (prepared at 86x86px)
Spam Hunter ( 2014-12-09 15:10:12 +0200 )editYes, I think I would like to back to MeeGo design. For sure.
Slawek ( 2014-12-09 22:16:33 +0200 )edit