[Official announcement] Thank you, dear Community! [not a question]

asked 2014-12-10 10:16:32 +0200

eric gravatar image

updated 2014-12-10 10:18:08 +0200

Dear Jolla Community members,

The Jolla Tablet Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign is now closed.

image description

What an AMAZING campaign, huge thanks to ALL contributors.

A very special thanks to all our Community members for taking part and sharing our campaign message. Without you, this campaign would not have been as succesful as it was.

Even though this campaign is now closed, the Jolla Tablet project continues. More info to follow soon!

Thanks again!!

Jolla Tablet Team

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The question has been closed for the following reason "not a real question" by eric
close date 2015-04-14 10:09:21.698460



It's $ 1.8 Million worth of trust that you earned of the last year, you know. When your "first ones" ore-ordered the phone long before launch, they knew nothing and only believed in an idea. This time, you're an established company with a product on the market. People knew who you are and what you're capable of. And judging from the amount of money that you collected, it seems you really built up quite a reputation and people now really believe in what you can achieve. Congratulations, sailors!

ossi1967 ( 2014-12-10 10:38:20 +0200 )edit

Sounds promising! Maybe the option to have 3.5g for 100$ addition :P

mosen ( 2014-12-10 10:39:07 +0200 )edit

maybe another croudfunding campaign for 3g support :))

harry ( 2014-12-10 11:17:32 +0200 )edit

You reap what you sow. And you guys at Jolla has been busy planting those seeds of brilliance. All 480% of it! I could have punched to the moon when split-screen was reached!

Ash ( 2014-12-10 11:20:08 +0200 )edit

You can thanks the community by pushing the update 10 already :p BTW , congrat to Jolla for a successful campaign . May all the future devices from this amazing company be released like this :) We love being involved in the product we use #PeoplePowered

sirzero1997 ( 2014-12-10 12:03:00 +0200 )edit