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[Bug] Custom ringtone doesn't work

asked 2014-12-13 18:06:11 +0200

Harakiri gravatar image

updated 2014-12-14 01:09:30 +0200

I have chosen a custom ringtone from my music files, but still a default ringtone is being played. My ringtone works in the "preview" so there shouldn't be nothing wrong with the file.

Edit: I'm running Uitukka now, the file is in Ogg Vorbis format and is located on the SD card.

Edit2: The solution was to move the music file to phone memory, so this is definitely a bug. It shouldn't be possible to select files from SD card if they cannot be played.

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-12-13 21:32:02 +0200

Slawek gravatar image

Have you set it in Ambience or in Settings. You should do it via Ambience

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Hmm...it seems that it still has no effect. Now I'm even more confused...what is the ringtone setting in Settings supposed to set?

Harakiri ( 2014-12-13 22:07:03 +0200 )edit

My phone is set to French, so my explanation might be approximate : Settings => System => Sound & reaction => Ringtone

objectifnul ( 2014-12-13 22:21:28 +0200 )edit

Yes, I know where the setting is.

Harakiri ( 2014-12-13 22:37:16 +0200 )edit

Okay, just check which audio file is shown in settings. Also, try to move it to the phone memory.

objectifnul ( 2014-12-13 22:45:00 +0200 )edit

The solution was to move the music file to phone memory, so this is definitely a bug. It shouldn't be possible to select files from SD card if they cannot be played.

Harakiri ( 2014-12-14 01:07:35 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-13 20:23:10 +0200

objectifnul gravatar image

updated 2014-12-13 22:18:11 +0200

I have a 'personal' collection of ringtones (home made Duke Ellington's piano excerpts in ogg-vorbis format). All of them work seamlessly (running uitukka). Did you check if your audio file is DRM-free?

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Yes. I'm using Ogg Vorbis. According to the Sounds page the ringtone is selected, but it still doesn't work. I have used the exactly same files on Android.

Harakiri ( 2014-12-13 20:30:22 +0200 )edit

Hmm. I remember I had a similar issue until I moved the ringtones from the memory card to the phone memory. Maybe you could try this.

objectifnul ( 2014-12-13 20:37:41 +0200 )edit

This problem happen to me too, from time to time (running SW Sometimes happen that when (in Ambience) ringtone and alarm tone are changed, nothing happen: Jolla still rings with old songs (mp3 in memory phone). When this happens, the only way to solve that issue is to delete the Ambience and create it again. No reboot or shut down of the phone ever have had any improvement on that strange behaviour.

gordon_pcb_designer ( 2014-12-13 21:38:45 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-12-13 18:06:11 +0200

Seen: 443 times

Last updated: Dec 14 '14