English translations and e-mail

asked 2014-12-13 21:48:43 +0200

markcoley gravatar image

My mum has my Jolla phone. I try to give her a new lesson every time I see her.

Today's lesson was in sending e-mail. Several of her friends have e-mail addresses programmed in to their contacts page (I put them in via Google Contacts and they magically appeared on her phone after this).

When composing an e-mail she types her friend's name and if it gets suggested, it means there must be an e-mail address in that contact's entry. However, it doesn't say what the address is. This confused my mum as she thought she was sending a text message and it wasn't clear where the e-mail was going. Can the e-mail address be made to appear clearly? She sent some photos, then looked in the sent folder (and they were there). But then all the photos got duplicated in the gallery. I couldn't explain why this was other than it was a 'cutting edge phone'.

The alternative way of sending an e-mail is to bring up the contact itself, then press e-mail section to enlarge it, then press 'Send e-mail'. However, my mum said 'But where do I write the e-mail? I don't want to send it until after I've written it'. This made me think. The button should be 'Compose e-mail' and not 'Send e-mail'. Pressing it takes you to the compose screen, it doesn't send a e-mail. This may be an English mistranslation or an oversight.

The other confusing thing for her was the GSM data logo - it's different in the settings screen (up/down arrows) to that on the home screen when peeking (up/down triangles or 'cotton reels' as my mum says).

Sometimes seeing how fairly IT-illiterate people see modern technology can highlight problems that everyone else misses.


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Sometimes seeing how fairly IT-illiterate people see modern technology can highlight problems that everyone else misses.

You're absolutely right. I'm used to working around problems, but when designing apps etc. I ask my (ex)wife to check if my solution is intuitive or not. Often it's not...

Tanghus ( 2014-12-14 10:15:57 +0200 )edit