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My jolla isn't booting after [answered]

asked 2014-12-22 23:10:24 +0200

Joel gravatar image

updated 2014-12-23 15:11:31 +0200

Today I updated my Jolla to (I had not updated it to before this) and after the installion the phone hasn't turned back on. It shows the Jolla logo but then the screen goes black again and nothing happens. What to do?

edit: so yesterday when I posted this, I tried to set the phone to factory state as the last thing but it didn't help. Now i tried to turn my jolla on again and it actually started. It's back to the factory state and after I choose the language again it turns off. I can turn the phone on now but always after I have chosen the language it dies.

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close date 2014-12-29 10:25:58.919858



my jolla is not working after the last update!! the logo appears at the beginning and that's all. the proximity detector seems working but no more ...black screen ...what to do???? I tryed the recovery mode option (5) to restore but it still not working!

dingo ( 2014-12-23 00:11:48 +0200 )edit

@dingo This is not an answer - please convert this into a comment under the question. I hope your issue gets solved!

simo ( 2014-12-23 00:17:05 +0200 )edit

Yea same things on my device and I also tried to fix it on recovery mode but couldn't get it working.

Joel ( 2014-12-23 00:19:14 +0200 )edit

The same happened for me. I proceeded to probably irrevocably destroy my Jolla by trying the recovery option that isn't factory reset in the recovery mode. Will have to migrate to Firefox OS as I can't afford a new Jolla at the moment. EDIT: Turns out option 5 doesn't (always) turn your phone into toast. So if you have ended up pressing it accidentally, don't throw your Jolla away yet. ;)

randomstringofletters ( 2014-12-23 00:28:39 +0200 )edit

my jolla is not working after the last update!! the logo appears at the beginning and that's all. the proximity detector seems working but no more ...black screen ...what to do???? I tryed the recovery mode option (5) to restore but it still not working!

dingo ( 2014-12-23 00:38:57 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-12-22 23:23:21 +0200

dez gravatar image

updated 2014-12-23 15:05:28 +0200

The best way is to contact Jolla Care. Also you can try to use Recovery mode. BTW, are you living in Finland?

Update1: Also see https://together.jolla.com/question/63338/bug-screen-stays-black-after-reboot/

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Thanks for advice! And yes, I live in Finland :)

Joel ( 2014-12-22 23:46:35 +0200 )edit

@Joel If you are in the Metropolitan area or near the Tampere we can try to agree to check your device for the root cause in the Jolla office before you try to perform an action. Because the reason can be interesting for us too.

dez ( 2014-12-23 00:31:08 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-23 11:48:57 +0200

jsiren gravatar image

I had this happen as well. The update seemed to go all the way through, but afterward the device showed only a black screen after the Jolla logo. There was some life, however, as the LED was constant white and could be turned off and on with short presses of the power key or off with a double tap on the screen.

I was able to shut down the phone. The LED turned red for a while and then switched off. After a moment the screen reverted to the charger screen; however, it did not seem to respond to connecting or disconnecting the USB cable. I then entered recovery mode as follows: 0) shut down phone, 1) remove USB cable and battery for 10+ seconds, 2) reattach battery and USB cable, 3) press Power and Volume Down keys together until the Jolla logo was displayed together with a solid white light. I had installed the HoRNDIS driver on OS X Mavericks from http://joshuawise.com/horndis to enable USB tethering. The phone appeared as a network device named "Recovery" with the address

I then opened a terminal window and was greeted with the Jolla recovery menu.

$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

     Jolla Recovery v0.2.7      
Welcome to the recovery tool!
The available options are:
1) Reset device to factory state
2) Reboot device
3) Bootloader unlock [Current state: locked]
4) Shell
5) Try btrfs recovery if your device is in bootloop
6) Exit
Type the number of the desired action and press [Enter]:

I tried the following options:

  • Reboot device (#2). The device rebooted, but the problem wasn't solved.
  • Try btrfs recovery (#5). This didn't make any difference, which makes sense, since the phone wasn't in a boot loop.
  • Shell (#4). What I wanted was to download the /home/nemo directory, along with the most recent backup, as the next thing I was going to try was a factory reset. Turns out netcat (nc) was available, so this should be easy enough.

On the laptop, I started nc listening to an arbitrary port and had it dump everything to a file:

nc -l 9999 > jb.tar

On Jolla, I made a tar archive of the directory into standard output and redirected it to nc, connecting to the laptop's previously chosen port (the laptop's address was

cd /home/nemo
tar cvf - . | nc

On the laptop, I verified the intergrity of the archive by listing its content:

tar tf jb.tar

This isn't foolproof, it doesn't detect corrupted files, but it does act as a check that the archive has actually been made.

After this had finished, I exited the shell with Ctrl-D (the exitcommand works just as well) and was shown the recovery menu again. I now selected option #1, Reset device to factory state. This restored the Sailfish version to and deleted all data and settings. I made the minimal settings outlined in https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201890427 and upgraded the OS first to and then After the last upgrade, I enabled developer mode, SSH connection, and the USB tether (this required a reboot), and uploaded the .vault directory from the previously made archive. The phone appeared now as a device called Sailfish, with the address (which is visible in the system settings). The command I gave on the laptop looked like this:

cat jb.tar | ssh nemo@ tar xvf ./.vault

In other words, the archive is sent over, and part of it is extracted.

I then went to the Backup menu, where all of my previous backups had become visible. I restored the latest one.

There were a few glitches:

  • No apps were installed, nor were they visible in My Apps in the Jolla store.
  • Linked contacts had to be relinked, as all links were broken. A couple of contacts still remain nameless, they only have numeric FB id's and unlisted telephone numbers. I am unable to link them to any others, as a reverse lookup on the telephone numbers produces no results.
  • Upon restoring the backup, voicecall-ui started eating hideous amounts of memory, causing the device to consume all of its swap. The LED started flashing rapidly and went through all sorts of colours. However, I still had an active ssh connection, so I didn't touch the power button. The situation resolved itself in a few minutes as the memory hog was killed. Cookies and passwords seem to have been forgotten in the browser, i.e. not restored.
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Just wanted to confirm that the IP adress for jolla and for pc where the same when connecting via conman or dhcpd from a Linux machine! +1 and Thanks for your wrap up!

mosen ( 2014-12-23 12:13:47 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-12-24 03:06:20 +0200

dingo gravatar image

I'm back. Yesterday, I spent the night reading how to fix the problem and especially how to recover my data. But I did not want to get into the adventure before contacting JollaCare because my phone still under warranty. So this morning the sailors told me the procedure for the recovery. I did it step by step and all is OK. anyway it is very well mentioned on jolla website. The only problem I had is that my contacts were recovered but divided and repeated and especially without photos. sometimes I find the same contact repeated 4 times. The same contact can be repeated 4 times as a nickname (first and last name gaps are empty). I have to rewrite all that and link the mails and phone numbers.

1____________________ TO SAVE YOUR DATA READ THIS

https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202208763#2 2____________________________________________________ recovery mode https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202514138 https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201997993 3___________________________________________________ Once you've saved your data, please try writing this command into Shell:

btrfs check --repair /dev/mmcblk0p28

Now try starting your device.

If your device doesn't start up, continue with the Device Reset instructions below:

If your device still doesn't start up normally, please follow these exact instructions in the Recovery Mode: https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202208763#31 These instructions will wipe your device clear of all data, so please re-visit step number 2 to attempt to save your data.

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Asked: 2014-12-22 23:10:24 +0200

Seen: 1,111 times

Last updated: Dec 24 '14