support emoji (iphone) smilies etc. [released]
Hi Android today have native support for Iphone compatible smilies (emoji) would be great if jolla could support this eventually aswell
Update: Can this Emoji be installed by default in Jolla? Need not be set as active keyboard layout but at least to be able to read these fonts in messages. (Eg: Twitter messages in Tweetian)?
I think actually the thing is that the devices just replace smilies (such as :-) ) with the 'emoji'. This at least is what the Symbian and MeeGo devices did.
Bulder ( 2013-12-31 13:00:53 +0200 )editBut how about the other way around send, emoji to an iphone user, that is today possible on android. So its not just one way communication I'm thinking about, where jolla can understand smilies coming from an iphone but also be able to send an iphone compatible smilie back an iphone.
Kiranos ( 2013-12-31 13:18:14 +0200 )editI have created a similar question a few days ago. maybe these should be merged?
mikelima ( 2013-12-31 13:30:10 +0200 )edithm yea maybe update subject if so on your question? also asking for sending out emoji compatible encoding so iphone etc can understand it, it imo more important than beeing able to see them myself. (gf really likes them :P )
Kiranos ( 2013-12-31 13:34:05 +0200 )editI also already added a question for the input part! :-)
These features are complementary, and one can work without the other... Showing emoji can be as easy as adding a font to the system, while adding the possibility to add emoji to your message require at least a new input method, or some rework of the message application.
I think we should have both, but there are low hanging fruits we can have sooner.
The thing is, barring jolla shop policy, these are enchancement te community can do on its own...
mikelima ( 2013-12-31 13:52:17 +0200 )edit