UI lockscreen design improvement [duplicate]
I don't know how does it looks like in other languages but in Russian we definitely need some UI design improvement with current date presentation.
Sometimes the date looks ok, just like this:
But on other dates it looks like this:
Or even like this:
Which is absolutely ugly to me.
Seems like the field left for the date is not wide enough to put it always in one line. So, may be it should be made wider or just a line breake should be put after the day of week to make it look better.
Duplicate of https://together.jolla.com/question/45262/bug-odd-wrapping-of-displayed-lockscreen-date/
Damien Caliste ( 2015-01-08 14:55:16 +0200 )edit@Damien Caliste Yes, you are right. Did not managed to find it myself, thank you. The question should be closed.
rburkhanov ( 2015-01-08 15:00:52 +0200 )edit