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How to modifiy vibration strength/pattern

asked 2015-01-08 15:43:07 +0200

weberik gravatar image

Is it possible to change the vibration strength or pattern? while generally a more detailed control about notifications would be nice, i currently only want to change the vibration settings.

i am pretty new to jolla/sailfish but i am familiar with linux and can work via ssh, so if anyone can point me in the right direction i might figure out the details on my own :)

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Ini-files under /usr/share/ngfd/events.d/ have variable called ffmemless whose value represent effects. I'd expect to find the actual effects, such as NGF_RINGTONE somewhere. I think I stumbled upon them once I was looking for a way to disable some effects, but found the inis finally that did that specific job for me.

Manatus ( 2015-01-08 18:52:56 +0200 )edit

This may be the file you are looking for:


Manatus ( 2015-01-08 19:47:35 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-01-15 17:15:13 +0200

weberik gravatar image

Thanks Manatus, the file ffmemless.ini seems to be the correct one.

i changed various parameters but i think the right one was NGF_RINGTONE_MAGNITUDE

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I an trying to disable vibration for alarms by editing this file but the changes seem to be ignored, even after restarting the lipstick.service. I don't want to reboot if not necessary. Is there any other way to apply the changes? Thanks.

sargas ( 2015-02-01 09:42:46 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-02-10 12:43:24 +0200

cocovina gravatar image

I wanted to have most of the vibrations are OFF (email, sms, alerts, incoming calls, etc.), except the vibration when touch of the virtual keyboard and warnings of course.

So I edited most of .ini files in /usr/share/ngfd/events.d directory ( comment the ffmemless.effect lines ) + reboot.

Works fine, but I should rather see this options in phone settings.

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Asked: 2015-01-08 15:43:07 +0200

Seen: 1,271 times

Last updated: Feb 10 '15