Wrong time zone in Android apps
Timestamps in Android apps such as WhatsApp show up in UTC instead of the configured time zone. Does anyone know of a workaround until this is fixed?
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Timestamps in Android apps such as WhatsApp show up in UTC instead of the configured time zone. Does anyone know of a workaround until this is fixed?
Edit /opt/alien/system/script/platform_envsetup.sh, you'll find some TZ related bits there. Note that it'll get overwritten on each alien dalvik update, and changing it might break startup of the alien runtime.
Edit: This was the accepted answer for the original workaround question - no reason to vote any more. Vote other written, or come up with even better answer for others to vote.
Sailfish OS I have Russian time zone YEKT (Yekaterinburg time) GMT+5. So, Sailfish OS show right time, but Android apps are not. (Our TZ was GMT+6 not long ago) I solved this problem in this way:
PS. I have tried different versions of ZoneCompactor.java. Some of them won't compiling, some give exceptions. I hate Android. It's another one bicycle without normal standards and realizations. Normal Linux distributions use time-honored mechanisms, tools, engines, and time zones is a part. But Google was built another format, another feature, so nice choice...
I remember that I easy updated TZ on N900 in 2011. Familiar tzdata files. Just install .deb package or copy files by hands.
Jolla is a breath of fresh air for me. I hope this post will help somebody.
Thanks. :-) now uses the Sailfish timezone for android apps. I can confirm that it works for Waze.
Not for me, using TZ Argentina/Buenos_Aires. Android apps still show UTC.
WhyNotHugo ( 2015-01-29 17:10:19 +0200 )editThe WhatsApp shows strange times in messages time on my Jolla. Does anybody have the same problem? See group conversation screenshots watime.jpg. Message text is real send time. Left - my Jolla. Right - LG Android.
in /opt/alien/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/zoneinfo.version says it 2012c version. What a shame! It should be updated in future release!
Download 2014i files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26659227/jolla/tzdata2014i.zip and replace /opt/alien/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/ contents
Yay, TZ data is updated for aliendalvik (Yliaavanlampi)! Hower other zoneinfo files are kept old (WTF?):
$ head {/system,/opt/alien/system_jolla,/opt/alien/system}/usr/share/zoneinfo/zoneinfo.version
==> /system/usr/share/zoneinfo/zoneinfo.version <==
==> /opt/alien/system_jolla/usr/share/zoneinfo/zoneinfo.version <==
==> /opt/alien/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/zoneinfo.version <==
Self-Perfection (
2015-03-05 14:08:54 +0200
)editCan anybody else confirm this solved/released as of I have the correct time in Waze and NavFree now since i factory-restored and upgraded!
No, not solved, at least in Russia (we have additional problem with recent timezone change. For details check this — so this may be only our issue).
rburkhanov ( 2015-01-01 10:30:02 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-24 23:20:30 +0200
Seen: 2,395 times
Last updated: Jan 26 '15
alien dalvik crashes if trying to install payed app from play store [answered]
Airplane mode enabled, still ask "select internet connection".
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the bug is bakc again in =( at least for russia's moscow timezone. It was fine before update, but now: jolla's timezone is +3 (correct), and androide's timezone is +4
virgi26 ( 2014-12-29 05:05:06 +0200 )editsame for sweden,time shows -1 hour wrong in android app,even in sailfish app" tv matchen" -1 hour wrong.never worked for me with time zone on or off (1.08.21 or
sweden man ( 2014-12-31 22:17:58 +0200 )editConfirm @virgi26 — the same bug with me. Wrong timezone in all Android apps. Jolla's timezone is OK.
rburkhanov ( 2015-01-01 10:25:55 +0200 )edit@juergbi@virgi26@sweden man@rburkhanov Is this still a valid question?
simo ( 2015-08-15 01:26:12 +0200 )edit@simo i don't think so. So you can probably close it.
virgi26 ( 2015-08-15 02:14:47 +0200 )edit