Timezone change in Russia [released]
As you may know, on October 26 there will be timezone change in Russia. Will new tzdata be included in update 9? I know that here in Russia we have not so big Jolla community, but it also will be useful for travellers from entire world...
Not sure I understand what you are asking for regarding timezone change. Could you explain?
Neo ( 2014-10-08 20:29:14 +0300 )editF.ex. right now Moscow time is GMT +4 and there is no DST. From October 26 Moscow time will be GMT +3 and no DST. As far as I know patch for this is already released for Windows and Linux.
Wickedsten ( 2014-10-08 20:35:50 +0300 )editRight, voting up. Maybe too late for update 9 though.
Neo ( 2014-10-08 20:48:58 +0300 )editYou can update time zone database directly on your Jolla phone with the Official IANA time zone date (tzdata).
Enter in developer mode (and devel-su), and runs these commandes:
Update the tz database on your Jolla phone: # Download the tzdata archive [root@Jolla install]# curl http://www.iana.org/time-zones/repository/releases/tzdata2014h.tar.gz > tzdata2014h.tar.gz
bean1 ( 2014-10-10 19:05:37 +0300 )editThanks for good workaround!
Wickedsten ( 2014-10-10 19:23:25 +0300 )edit