Add EnterKey.onClicked to property list in SailfishOS SDK
TextField does work with EnterKey.onClicked when deployed but the SDK sees it as "Invalid property name 'EnterKey'.(m16) "
I want to change that property from a function but I can't as it's not there for TextField, I tried to set a property but it wouldn't work as the SDK can't see EnterKey.onClicked .
So I would recomend adding EnterKey.onClicked to TextField property list
No sure what you want todo, but I use:
because I did now about EnterKey.onClicked maybe it deprecated?
mike7b4 ( 2013-12-31 20:49:30 +0200 )editI want to change the state of TextField from a function. Essentially depending on what user picked I would change on what the focus would be changed after the press of enter key.
Mariusmssj ( 2013-12-31 21:12:01 +0200 )editHow about doing a function with the EnterKey.onClicked, for example:
Dickson ( 2014-01-01 19:23:44 +0200 )edit