How to on|off flightmode from terminal? [answered]
Hello! Anybody knows how to on|off flightmode from terminal? I want to do this by cron, for to lower power consumptions. Thanks anyway!
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Hello! Anybody knows how to on|off flightmode from terminal? I want to do this by cron, for to lower power consumptions. Thanks anyway!
flight mode on
dbus-send --system --print-reply /com/nokia/mce/request uint32:0 uint32:1
Flight mode off
dbus-send --system --print-reply /com/nokia/mce/request uint32:1 uint32:1
You could use mcetool, if not installed install with devel-su pkcon install mce-tools Then you can use mcetool --disable-radio=<master|cellular|wlan|bluetooth> use the one(s) you whish to turn off and mcetool --enable-radio=<master|cellular|wlan|bluetooth> to re-enable again mcetool --disable-radio=master set flight mode, no cellular, no wlan</master|cellular|wlan|bluetooth></master|cellular|wlan|bluetooth>
Since update to to (Kiiminkijoki) neither d-bus nor mcetool
work from nemo user.
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Asked: 2015-01-14 11:02:16 +0200
Seen: 900 times
Last updated: Jan 14 '15
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