Community suggested kernel modules for the Jolla Tablet
asked 2015-01-31 18:21:30 +0200
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During the community meeting at FOSDEM it came up that users will want to use USB devices with their Jolla. This post will serve as a Wiki to collect driver names (both friendly name and kernel config option):
- USB serial: CONFIG_USB_ACM, CONFIG_USB_SERIAL CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_GENERIC and pretty much all below it, especially CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_OPTION (for USB mobile network modems)
- Mass storage, aka USB-sticks and external drives CONFIG_USB_STORAGE
- additional non USB:
- Kernel namespaces: PID, FS -- CONFIG_PID_NS, …
USB HID devices would be nice to have.
mikelima ( 2015-01-31 20:53:31 +0200 )edit@mikelima USB HID is something you can load as module, close to everything not required for booting or for actually register the device for later use may be sideloaded later (sry if I misunderstand you, I understand why s/o wants serial support but plain USB HID is of no use at first). For example if you want to boot from a USB 1.0 device you need to have it built in, if you do not need it to boot you can have it as module. The recovery kernel otoh would come handy with USB HID for the rescue-shell.
chemist ( 2015-01-31 21:59:54 +0200 )edit@chemist: sorry, I understood the question as which kernel modules would come handy in general, and USB HID would be useful for keyboard, mice, external sound cards... Of course they can be built at any time, but being able to depend on them would be a plus. Anyway, if this is out of scope, maybe the question should be clarified.
mikelima ( 2015-01-31 22:40:31 +0200 )editah, yeah sry, I misread... I thought about built-in but this is about modules, go ahead and pretend I am not here! -.-
chemist ( 2015-01-31 22:44:56 +0200 )editThis list is about making it largely unnecessary for the most common use cases to "sideload" modules of unknown provenance. I tend to trust Jolla much more than a RPM file of unknown origin and no clear relation to source code used. Also not every user is capable to build their own kernel modules or the kernel modules would necessitate changes to built-ins and thus loading a whole custom kernel.
tbr ( 2015-02-02 13:02:44 +0200 )edit