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clean up calendars

asked 2015-02-02 12:27:42 +0200

vbregier gravatar image

updated 2015-02-02 12:51:46 +0200

I am using my google account for calendars synchronisation. I have several calendars on this account.

One of the calendars is not synchronising any more: events created on jolla device are not synced to google calendar, and events created on google calendar are not seen on jolla device.

I tried to remove my google account from jolla device, but calendars with names of the calendars in my google account remain on the device.

I guess this is what causes the problem. Is there a way to clean these calendars (or all the calendars), so that my device gets into a clean state before I recreate the google account on the device ?

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I'm not sure for calendars, but I guess it's the same. I've had some trouble with synchronisation (mail, Facebook) before, and it all points to empty / corrupted files in $HOME/.cache.

If you can devel-su on your phone, go to /home/nemo/.cache/msyncd/sync. List files there. You'll see some google.Calendars-*.xml files. If some are 0-size, delete them. Then rerun the synchronization from the Google account. It should work.

Damien Caliste ( 2015-02-02 13:50:03 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-02-02 14:04:54 +0200

peter-berlin gravatar image
  • delete your google account
  • set developer mode on and set password.
  • open terminal app.
  • write "devel-su" and press Enter.
  • write "###your password###" and press enter.
  • write "cd /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/" and enter
  • write "rm db" and enter
  • write "rm db.changed" and enter
  • close terminal app and set developer mode off.
  • open the calendar so that the files will be recreated.
  • add your google account again.

THANKS to yjeanrenaudwho helped me with the solution of this problem: http://www.pocketpc.ch/jolla/213798-kalender-google-sync.html (sorry german!)

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/home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Calendar/mkcal/, that’s exactly what I was looking for ! Thank you !

Unfortunately, after re-creating my google account on jolla device, one google calendar is still not synchronizing :( I guess this is a separate issue anyways, since I do not have duplicated calendars any more.

vbregier ( 2015-02-02 18:02:53 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-02-02 12:27:42 +0200

Seen: 813 times

Last updated: Feb 02 '15