Cursor/Arrow Key Doesn't Work In Android Apps
According to this post: "HowTo: Adapt Sailfish virtual keyboard (vkb) layout": HowTo: Add cursor (arrow) keys to your keyboard
It mentioned that how to add a cursor/arrow key for Jolla keyboard. It works like a charm in native apps, but it doesn't work in android apps. It is quite interesting that other functions of maliit-server work in android, like
- MinputMethodQuick.sendPreedit()
- MinputMethodQuick.sendCommit()
while MinputMethodQuick.sendKey() triggering cursor/arrow doesn't work.
I think this is a quite annoying issue for text editing.
Seems to be a duplicate of ? (Edited the question title to include "arrow" for improved findability.)
tokaru ( 2015-02-05 17:43:57 +0200 )edit