MTP support on Jolla tablet

asked 2015-02-06 05:18:01 +0200

Copernicus gravatar image

updated 2015-02-06 05:21:53 +0200

I realize that the question of MTP support in Sailfish has already been asked (for example, this Mac OS X related question). However, now that Jolla has explicitly chosen to format SDXC cards using a standard other than exFAT in the upcoming tablet, the USB connection is the only viable method left for transferring data between a Sailfish device and a desktop/laptop computer. The alternatives mentioned in the Jolla support page, file transfer via a cloud service, or file transfer via bluetooth connection, are vastly inferior to a direct usb connection between two devices.

The MTP implementation Sailfish is currently using appears to be incompatible with the existing MTP client software for OS X. I would like to urge Jolla to redouble their efforts, either to refine their MTP interface to become more universally compatible, or to come out with their own Sailfish File Transfer client (whether it uses MTP or some other mechanism). Data transfer between mobile devices and desktop computers is really a necessity for most tasks these days...

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Jolla sure would like to make it work seemlessly on OS X too. Afaik the thread you point at is old and I know the patches for libmtp from Jolla are now in their codebase. But also don't forget that with OS X you're dealing with a company and OS that tries to make everything non-compatible to cage in users in their own eco-system...and that makes life hard for all of us.

Philippe De Swert ( 2015-02-06 12:08:44 +0200 )edit

@Philippe De Swert: Hmm. I've got a Mac Mini, and an HTC One M8. So far, I've had no trouble at all using the two together; Apple may not officially support Android, but they don't seem to have done anything to stop Google from providing an MTP client of their own. HTC also provides their own "Sync Manager" app that works on OS X.

I don't think Apple is making life hard here. MTP was created by Microsoft, and adopted by Google; if Jolla also wants to adopt MTP, I'd just like them to do the same thing Google does -- that is, make client applications available for non-Microsoft devices...

Copernicus ( 2015-02-06 13:44:20 +0200 )edit

jolla's mtp is still full of bugs. Neither is the phone working without issues, nore does the tablet. The tablet is even worse then the phone...

Moo-Crumpus ( 2017-08-01 14:35:12 +0200 )edit