How to switch off wlan completely?
I basically always use the mobile network for internet. Very rarely, when there are problems with the mobile connection, or I need extra speed, I use a wireless network. However, it seems that the phone tends to automatically connect when it sees a known wlan, even when I have switched wlan off in setup. It doesn't happen always, perhaps it's triggered by a momentary loss of mobile connection. In these cases, I again switch off wlan, and the phone goes back to the mobile network. I wonder if there is a way to completely disable wlan until I decide that I want to use it.
If you have disabled WLAN it is impossible to open a WLAN connection unless you acknowledge the network pop-up for WLAN. The network pop-up appears when network is requested by an app but no connection is established at the moment.
If so, your question might be related to this request:
lakutalo ( 2015-02-10 11:35:24 +0200 )editWhat about blacklisting wlan.ko :) :)
That rids you of WLAN completely, no way to turn it on until you reverse it...
juiceme ( 2015-02-10 12:27:42 +0200 )editI don't get any network popup. The phone just decides to enable wlan and connect, even though I've switched off wlan in setup. From the answer, this would appear to be a bug then. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I use internet sharing. That has also behaved a bit strangely lately. My laptop picked up the jolla AP even though I had turned off tethering, for example.
(I don't really want to turn off wlan completely since it's needed for the tethering. Just the wlan internet connection. Sorry to be unclear.)
khul ( 2015-02-10 20:24:22 +0200 )editIt seems to be a bug then. I updated your tags. Maybe you could find out a pattern how to reproduce this bug.
lakutalo ( 2015-02-11 12:34:56 +0200 )editIt's still happening after the update to Yliaavanlampi which happened a while back. Seems to happen (with high probability) when I switch off the tethering (using the app) after having arrived in an area where there is a known wlan. If I start the web browser shortly afterwards the phone connects to the wlan. I explicitly checked today that wlan was off initially, and it still happened. Perhaps at some level, the wifi interface is still enabled for a while after tethering has stopped, and therefore grabbed by the network manager. It's easy to just turn wifi off again when it happens, but one can end up using a wlan unintentionally.
khul ( 2015-04-09 17:30:19 +0200 )edit