Threema polling broken in Yliaavanlampi (early access)
I'm using the Threema Android client and since the latest update (Yliaavanlampi (early access)) the messenger cannot poll for new messages unless it is running in the foreground (maximised). It used to be that an open Threema app which was reduced to multitasking view did not update the cover but was able to receive new messages and send a notification to the event view.
Alas, now even this does not work, I missed several messages by hours even though the phone was in constant use and not deep-sleeping. When I tapped the Threema cover an maximised it, all messages were received at once and a notification sound was played.
This makes Threema basically useless because I cannot tap the app cover every few minutes to manually check for messages. Non-instant message: Is this a bug or a feature?
sounds like a duplicate of this issue. There the same is reported for whatsapp
lenggi ( 2015-02-21 17:20:32 +0200 )editI'm not sure it's the same issue: I can get notifications, but only if the app is running in the foreground.
Timm ( 2015-02-21 17:34:18 +0200 )editI do not get notifications, but messages are received even if the app is running from cover
Makarand ( 2015-02-21 20:56:26 +0200 )editI experienced both, sometimes messages are properly notified (phone locked and/or threema in minimized), sometimes not. I will keep testing... Do you have a proper way to reproduce it?
lenggi ( 2015-02-22 18:49:04 +0200 )editWhat I tested so far: If the phone is unlocked, messages are collected and notifications are played, even from cover. If I lock the phone and wait a little (phone going to sleep, I assume) then no messages arrive and no notifications are played. I then unlock the phone but the messages (with notifications) are only received after I maximize Threema from its cover.
I assume that Threema loses network connectivity when the phone is sleeping and can only reconnect when activated/maximized again.
Timm ( 2015-02-22 21:23:28 +0200 )edit