jolla sold out in india
asked 2015-02-27 20:02:43 +0200
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I'm interested in purchasing the jolla smartphone in the coming months as my old android phone is getting out dated. I like the jolla smartphone because to has many qualities that android lacks like regular updates, open source, innovative UI etc...However i just found out that it is sold out on snapdeals which is the only store that sells it. I would like to know if the jolla team is willing to try another round in the Indian market or if a new jolla smartphone will emerge soon with better hardware.
hmm, not sure if this question belongs here at TJC... Snapdeal is an independent retailer, so maybe better to ask directly from them?
simo ( 2015-02-27 20:30:28 +0200 )editThat's sad. Hope they don't neglect India after their initial entry...
anandrkris ( 2015-02-28 14:18:31 +0200 )edit