2015-02-28 21:17:15 +0200
Surely not a complete answer but you can find some info about the developer-mode in Jolla by using rpm-command to query the developer-mode related packages installed when the mode is enabled. There seems to be only two related packacges that get installed when the mode is enabled (and they pull their dependencies along):
- jolla-developer-mode
- jolla-developer-mode-profile
Now, you can use commands like:
rpm -qi jolla-developer-mode
rpm -q --requires jolla-developer-mode
rpm - q --provides jolla-developer-mode-profile
to see info about the files installed or about the capabilities developer-mode requires or provides. Ofc, enabling the dev-mode from the GUI might do something more than just install the jolla-developer-mode packages, but from these commands alreasy ypu can see how the openssh, fingerterm, and some usb-connectivity related capabilities are required and provided in developer-mode.