[Bug] No Voicemail number is defined
I have a valid voicemail number defined in the Phone App settings but this isn't recognised when I press and hold the "1" key in dialler. Wasn't a problem previously. Using
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I have a valid voicemail number defined in the Phone App settings but this isn't recognised when I press and hold the "1" key in dialler. Wasn't a problem previously. Using
I have just tested this again on
It turns out that when the Voicemail number is saved in Settings » Apps » Phone, if I have the number saved in international dialling format (eg, +cc1234567890) the Voicemail shortcut on "1" in the phone dialler gets the "No voicemail number is defined" error, but if I then manually edit the Voicemail number in Settings into local (in-country) format (eg, 01234567890) then it works. (I have just re-edited the number back into international format again, and it now still works. Perhaps the Voicemail number data imported from your own mobile network inadvertently puts some unparseable data into the field initially, or something..?)
thanks for the great tip, now it also works for me :-)
peter-berlin ( 2015-07-09 01:44:05 +0200 )editI can't say if it's a a bug since upgrade But are you sure you're using the correct number? My operator is Swisscom (like @jldr) and I first had an invalid number in settings (Idk why and guess that was added automatically) and therefore same problem. The voicemail number I finally had to enter was 086 + my phone number (depending on your carrier you have another shortcut-number). In case phone number starts with a 0, don't leave it out.
So let's say my Swisscom number is 0791234567, I have to use voicemail number:
This way I can long-press "1" on dialer and get connected to my voice mail. Maybe this solution works for other carriers as well.
Tested in and bug still present when using international code with + prefix
what about with an international number using the + prefix?
gabrielharrison ( 2017-11-23 13:00:40 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2015-03-06 12:56:16 +0200
Seen: 440 times
Last updated: Nov 23 '17
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hi i have the same problem using operator : Swisscom thank's for your help
jldr ( 2015-03-07 16:33:30 +0200 )editOoops, just now noticed about this.. Same here...
Schturman ( 2015-03-08 13:05:22 +0200 )editSame issue here
Julie_F ( 2015-03-10 22:24:50 +0200 )editSame issue here. Operator: Bouygues Telecom (Fr). The configured number is a short number: 660. Wiyld it help to set a "complete" number?
MaxR ( 2015-04-05 12:16:41 +0200 )edit