Crowdfunding development
This is a follow on idea to and which deal with donating to existing developers for existing apps and crowdfunding licenced software. I think this should be more general.
Often, development does not get started on applications or features unless there is some commercial support before development begins. Traditionally, companies such as Nokia would fund the development of some applications that were important to get a platform started. I don't expect that Jolla would be able to fund development of 3rd party apps and features themselves; at least not at the extent the big companies do.
Many developers in the Jolla sphere come from open source backgrounds where we just develop because it scratches our own itches and we have a tradition of giving away code for the greater good. This is great but even the most ardent of open source developer still has to eat, pay the bills, pay for new Jolla phones. Without funding, often the larger projects that would consume a lot of time do not get off the starting block.
My proposal is that we add the ability to financially pledge support to any developer who wishes to propose and take on a development project which is presented at Essentially, using together as a Kickstarter for Sailfish projects. I hope we can match up ideas with developers and funding.
As mentioned in one of the comments in this may be legally impossible in Finland so needs further investigation as to whether is the right place for this.
Update: This hasn't happened, it's over a year since I suggested it and I'd like to suggest we do it now through
I think it'd be great to have a platform, where people could place their feature requests and where donations would be gathered for desired features/solutions. Developers/projects who are the first to bring a valuable solution to the specific request would get the donated money.
jcoder ( 2014-01-05 14:37:03 +0200 )editDo you remember any examples of successful software crowdfunding for mobile phones? Good examples could help initiate the idea. Ouya had a crowdfunding program for game-developers, but I don't know how successful it was.
Nilux ( 2014-01-29 14:06:12 +0200 )editMaybe you could convert this question to a wiki and start a list of applications known to be in development for Sailfish or known to be seeking for funding. At least there was this BitPurse on bitstarter which nobody knew about. Such a list could be helpful. Call it "Help funding these applications for sailfish" or similar.
Nilux ( 2014-04-02 12:47:50 +0200 )editYou know, this is an excellent idea! E.g. Coderus is now also raising money on Indiegogo. But it would be better to be able to donate to specific projects. It could be a great way to quickly improve the UX one core app at the time: browser, mail-app, Maps app etc.
bilgy_no1 ( 2014-12-07 15:43:26 +0200 )editGreat idea, that is still only lacking any response from.Jolla. I wonder why the #SailfishOS provider is so slow to comment or support these set of ideas that would actually improve the native app provision, enhance the 3rd-party dev commitment and lighten the burden for Jolla to keep most pkatform/app design, development and impl. in-house. Maybe when the second device is released something happens in this regard, too.
foss4ever ( 2015-02-09 22:59:40 +0200 )edit