Ingress account got blocked! Do you have similar experiences?
Since Monday evening ingress works very strange on my Jolla. I’m only able to do glyph hacking and I always get a “no items acquired” message. I’m also not able to deploy a resonator, recharge them or fire XMP-Busters. The animation on the screen plays but after thers no resonator deployed. I googled these behavior and found out, that my account is blocked or under suspicion by Google. So before I write Google, I would like to know if someone also got this problem with Ingress and a Jolla. Since I didn’t cheat the problem may be that Jolla isn’t an android phone. Thanks in advance
Yes, friend of mine used Jolla to play Ingress. He switched to android device for Ingress when his device got blocked. The situation has been like this for a year at least.
I don't play personally, so I cannot tell if it was permanent or not.
Manatus ( 2015-03-18 08:45:55 +0200 )edithappened to me also. Their ToS says that you're not allowed to play on a device not provided by Google. iPhone obviously works since the app is available on their app store. Some people who have played on BlackBerry devices have also been banned for the same reason.
Knowing Google, they probably gather some information from their users so playing on a jolla device may not provide that information. You just have to deal with it and either stop playimg or buy an Android device to play it with a mew account.
Toxip ( 2015-03-18 11:09:47 +0200 )edit