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proximity sensor - power button

asked 2015-03-22 18:39:24 +0300

rosapold gravatar image

updated 2016-08-17 14:52:02 +0300

jiit gravatar image

Since factory-reset and updating to the latest OS Yliaavanlampi my Jolla behaves as follows. Even though the proximity sensor is covered, I am able to switch on my jolla by pressing the power button. Before factory-reset and update i was not able to turn on my phone by pressing the power button while proximity sensor was hidden. The proximity sensor is working because while the proximity sensor is hiddden i am not able to swith on phone by double tab. I tested proximity sensor using CSD tool, test passed. Any ideas, i searched the forum, but can´t find any solution so far.

edit:25.3.2015 !as far as i remember!

proximity sensor covered - behaviour before update ( Vaarainjarvi)
-double tab screen: wake up phone disabled
-press power key once: wake up phone in lockscreen enabled, pull lockscreen disabled
-press power key twice: wake up phone in homescreen enabled, pull homescreen disabled
-press power key 3 times: wake up phone in homescreen enabled, pull homescreen enabled

proximity sensor covered - behaviour after update ( Yliaavanlampi)
-double tab screen: wake up phone disabled
-press power key once: wake up phone in lockscreen enabled, pull lockscreen enabled
-press power key twice: wake up phone in homescreen enabled, pull homescreen enabled
-press power key 3 times: wake up phone in homescreen enabled, pull homescreen enabled

These are features that I can remember as far. If anyone has observed a different behavior please notify.

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-03-25 13:13:57 +0300

spiiroin gravatar image

By defaults have always been that proximity sensor:

  • blocks double tap (and touch firmware is told not to generate double tap events)
  • does not block single|double|long power key handling

But it has been possible for quite a while to to make proximity sensor block power key too, via:

mcetool --set-powerkey-action=proximity2

Strictly speaking installing mcetool is not required, you could as well use this too:

dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=com.nokia.mce /com/nokia/mce/request com.nokia.mce.request.set_config string:/system/osso/dsm/powerkey/mode variant:int32:3

Note that a factory reset will clear this setting - which might explain the change in behavior if the tweak was in use before resetting the device.

The triple-powerkey-press is kind of related but still separate thing - it (temporarily) forces mce proximity sensor tracking to "not covered" state -> can be used to bypass misbehaving proximity sensor that would otherwise not allow turning the display on when there is an incoming call / alarm (or if the above mentioned power key tweak is used). As a side effect display will be turned on (and alarms snoozed / calls silenced).

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Well, if that is so, then everything is fine. Probably my phone had a bug that has been fixed by the last factory setting.

rosapold ( 2015-03-25 14:06:40 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2015-03-22 18:39:24 +0300

Seen: 744 times

Last updated: Mar 25 '15