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Samsung Gear Fit as Media Control

asked 2015-04-01 09:59:00 +0200

cvp gravatar image

updated 2015-04-01 11:14:05 +0200

Hello, i get a Samsung Gear Fit and want to connect with the Jolla Phone. The Bluetooth find the gear fit and can connect with him, but the gear fit want the app "Samsung Gear Fit Manager".

I found over xda developers the apk files: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2719278

but if i want to install it, i will geht this message (German): Parsingfehler Beim Parsen des Paketes ist ein Problem aufgetreten.

like parsingerror!

Is there any other Solution to activate the Geat Fit with the Jolla Phone? of course i can connect the gear fit first with a Samsung Phone, and its still work, but if i connect the Jolla Phone with it, than the gear fit restart and than i get the same message that i have to activat the gear fit with the Samsung Gear Fit Manager

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-04-01 16:50:08 +0200

javispedro gravatar image

There is no way to connect it. Bluetooth will not work with Android programs, and I have no idea whether the protocol the Gear Fit speaks is similar in any way to the one that the "bigger" Gear speak.

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bad news :(

cvp ( 2015-04-01 20:46:44 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-04-01 09:59:00 +0200

Seen: 272 times

Last updated: Apr 01 '15