Sailfish OS SDK update 1504 released
The Sailfish OS SDK update 1504 has been released. This update has the latest build environment, updated documentation and some updates in the examples. The new Rpmvalidator now allows QtPositioning (C++ and QML APIs), qt5-qtdeclarative-import-sensors and qt5-qtmultimedia-plugin-audio-pulseaudio. It will be taken into use by the Harbour Store QA tomorrow 6th May onwards.
If you have an older release of the SDK already installed, you should see an update notification in the SailfishOS IDE. View more information in the release notes and also check out the known issues page.
Happy hacking!
Lovely, especially the news that true ( = non-dbus) positioning is available to store apps :)
juiceme ( 2015-05-05 19:15:34 +0200 )edit