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[bug/feature?] switch on/off wlan entries

asked 2015-05-10 01:44:09 +0200

M.Bln. gravatar image

updated 2015-05-10 01:44:28 +0200

I have a few wlan entries and some are high-lightened (the dot) some not. But I cant change anything. So what's high-lighting for?

However I would like to choose the WLANs Sailfish should try to connect to. So I would like to set WLAN entries as active or disable entries I don't need at the moment.

Otherwise all WLAN names will tried and everybody with a WLAN scanner can see which access-points I was already connected to. So beside better configuration it's a question of privacy as well.


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2 Answers

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answered 2015-05-10 06:23:00 +0200

updated 2015-05-10 06:25:05 +0200

Highlighted ones with the dots are the networks your phone can connect i.e. enabled WLANs. If you long press a network, you can edit or delete it. Just touch to enable or disable it.

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You can only enable/disable or edit a WLAN if you're currently im range

GD ( 2015-05-10 07:18:26 +0200 )edit

Yes, and this distinction between currently available and unavailable WLAN networks is probably confusing for many users. I think it should be changed in future releases, so that you can (de)activate and edit every wlan, no matter whether it is available or not.

wanderer ( 2015-05-10 10:49:55 +0200 )edit

Or just have a split list... first in-range and then out-of-range (maybe show those without the bullet items?).

paulvt ( 2015-05-11 10:15:51 +0200 )edit

And another thing about it: If I have two networks in my home with different SSID's and the phone has made a bad choice, picking the one at a place where it is farthest from the AP. Then I'd have to click the other (better) one, which at first will actually disable that one completely (instead of actually connecting it) and then click it again to connect. So it's kind of weird logic, maybe a long press could also have the option "Connect" beside the "Forget" option.

Larswad ( 2015-06-04 14:05:16 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-05-11 09:27:34 +0200

AliN gravatar image

updated 2015-06-04 12:36:27 +0200

The bright dot on out-of-range networks means as autoconnect, i.e. if they come in range you will connect automatically. You can't change any settings while you are not connected to that network.

If you don't want to connect automatically to a network, you can choose Forget network by a long tap on it.

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Asked: 2015-05-10 01:44:09 +0200

Seen: 401 times

Last updated: Jun 04 '15