2015-05-14 10:58:49 +0200
Thank you very much, caprico.
Some of the problems could be fixed by several app-updates. I read today that there have been some API challenges with facebook for instance.
The weird thing was (and still is) that I can receive emails, but not send emails while logged into 4G networks. I am not finished with the tests. It may be correlated with specific apps like the gallery. The concrete problem was, that I could not share a photo via email with 4G, but it worked later with 3G -- after rebooting the jolla. Rebooting did not help when I had the 4G available.
Another strange thing was google maps, that told me there would be no network whilst I was able to receive emails.
Since there is no 4G network in the area where I live I only can continue watching it when I am travelling. Sailfish utilities are installed already, and the network settings look fine, too.
But I will test and try re-select "prefer 4G", even it's still selected. But software sometimes is kind of magic ;)
Thanks + have a great day!
added the 4g tags
saturn ( 2015-05-16 22:45:11 +0200 )edit