[help] network mode selection disappeared
Hi, I just noticed that I can0t select the network mode anymore. In network settings, network section (the one after MMS section), the network mode entry has the font in light white, as when there is an option that can't be selected. Next to it there isn't anymore the list "prefer 4g" and the like. Just empty space.
I don't know exactly when it happened, for sure after update everything was fine.
Last time I did something it was few days ago when I changed the network mode, at that time everything was fine.
I had installed patchmanager and more network modes patch by @coderus but never had any issues with it.
I tried to disable and then uninstall the patches (more network modes and disable volume warning), then uninstall patchmanager (in the following sequence: patchmanager for jolla settings, patchmanager and patchmanager service) but nothing changed.
The only notable change I can think of is the update of hopscotch to the latest version. I didn't install or remove apps.
Whan can I do to enable it again? How can I debug the issue?
thank you
Same happend to me.. it disappeared after a reboot and the only way i could get it back was to reset my device. I have reinstalled patchmanager with the extra network modes patch and everything seems fine now, even after i have rebooted several times. I really wanna know whats going on aswell..
totex ( 2015-05-21 19:44:01 +0200 )edithopefully @coderus will notice this thread and look into this (even if I don't think he's at fault)
c.la ( 2015-05-21 20:25:22 +0200 )editSame here!
Brudhu ( 2015-05-22 04:54:26 +0200 )edit@c.la: You should add the "bug" tag to this thread, because this is definitely a bug.
This issue here looks similar to this bug. It could be caused by broken config files, but I have currently no clue where to look for.
wanderer ( 2015-05-22 08:43:59 +0200 )edit@wanderer tagged as bug ;)
c.la ( 2015-05-25 19:42:57 +0200 )edit