I cannot sign in my jolla account

asked 2015-05-30 01:35:13 +0300

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updated 2015-05-30 08:56:32 +0300

When I sign in it shows username or password error.. I tried password reset but It says you have more than one account. But as I remember I only have one account in jolla and its with my email address: ashpu143@gmail.com. Please tell me how can i get back my account.. I also tried account recovery... I think this is the same account.. but I cannot sign in on jolla store

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The account you used to login to together is your Jolla account eg Jolla Store Account, the other account you probably have is the Shopaccount, that is only good for shop.jolla.com - if you need further assistance email care at jolla dot com please. Just an advice, do not publish your private email to public forums

chemist ( 2015-05-30 02:25:01 +0300 )edit