[Request] native Google Photos App.
The Google Photos is detached from G+ now. Have a native client for that would be awesome. New-Google-Photos-app-is-here ... or some other native way how to automatically or manualy sync the camera photos from jolla to some cloud? I tried to install the APK photos, but it failed.
I'd suggest an Android phone for use of Google's services. But maybe another option is to install Play services into your Jolla and install an Android app for Google Photos (just in case you didn't know, Android is owned by Google)
simo ( 2015-06-01 18:35:24 +0200 )editOK, and for Skype you suggest an Microsoft phone? :) Sorry. Google Photos is separate service now. I just think that simple app should be nice. I tried to install the Photos application via Aptoide, but it failed. Download the APK and install it directly also failed.
cocovina ( 2015-06-02 08:51:30 +0200 )editWell +simo is right Google Play Services should be required.
I installed the Google Photos App from the Play Store and it worked out of the box. Now uploading my photos from jolla camera
imunar ( 2015-06-02 11:38:11 +0200 )editAnd possibly, installing a good Android camera app enables uploading directly from that camera as well. For Play services: https://together.jolla.com/question/30926/howto-install-google-play/
simo ( 2015-06-02 11:42:26 +0200 )edit