Provide an option to set default "From:" mail address [released]
When sending an email either from the active cover (+) or from the Gallery/Documents/whatever, the mail address chosen as sender is always the one that I don't want to use at all for outgoing mail. I always have to expand the fields, change the "From:" field and proceed.
Is there any way I can select one of my 3 mail accounts as the one that should be used as default?
The calendar app has the same issue:
AnaT ( 2014-01-07 20:31:35 +0200 )Good request and yes, that HAS to be implemented. I'm anyways very dissapointed by the mail client which doesn't work well at all for me. Good that there are Android alternatives like K9-Mail, otherwise I probably still would have to use my N9, since emails are quiet important in my daily life.
molan ( 2014-02-01 11:34:12 +0200 )