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Stuck in update mode after downloading but not activly installing early-access

asked 2015-06-21 18:42:13 +0200

kempe gravatar image

updated 2015-06-27 10:54:23 +0200

So i got the early access update a couple of weeks ago and downloaded it. but before i installed it I removed/disabled some openrepos apps and also rebooted the phone. After reboot I got the notification again that there was an updated available. Went to installed the updated but I could not choose install from the pully-menu. I tried to search for updates again but no luck just "waiting for connection". I have tried a lot of times to search for updates but I never get a connection. its now "last checked 13 days ago"

The strangest thing is that it says that I have the update installed, but I haven't installed it so don't know how that append, maybe it got installed auto-magical upon reboot. So i don't know if i have the latest update or not but its annyoing that I always have a notification telling me that there is an update available.

Edit: Forgot to mention that when I launch store I get "Store is not available while Sailfish OS is upgrading "

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answered 2015-06-22 12:58:34 +0200

evo3de gravatar image

Did you try this?


version --dup
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No i had not. but i only get "UPGRADE NOT COMPLETED - Retry x of 9" i uninstalled the fist package it complaind about but i got the same error again. its like i dont get a connection to store-repository.jolla.com

kempe ( 2015-06-27 10:49:46 +0200 )edit

Happens to me every time, on one of my phones. Seems factory reset is the only solution. Or, at least, it does the trick. But, see if you can backup data first.

Nieldk ( 2015-06-27 17:32:19 +0200 )edit

Any tips on how to backup android apps and openrepo apps and repos? I don't really have a problem with removing it all and start from scratch but it would be nice if there was a good way to restore some of the apps

kempe ( 2015-06-27 18:23:49 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-06-21 18:42:13 +0200

Seen: 211 times

Last updated: Jun 27 '15