[applause] Bluetooth car connection
I'd like to start here a new type of post on together (afaik) : use cases where Jolla surpasses other smartphones and tablets.
So this post is about an holiday trip with friends. We rented a car (Fiat 500X) to tour in the South East of France. My friends planned a Nexus 7 tablet to play music on the car player while we were travelling. Unfortunately music was impossible to listen with frequent breaks like losses of connection between the tablet and the car player. We tested a second Nexus 7 tablet. Same behavior. Driving without music is less fun during holidays. This is a good time to talk about music and to exchange about our musical tastes. Finally they accepted to make a test with my Jolla Phone. Bluetooth connection worked perfectly with the Jolla Phone. My friends had no choice but to listen to my music library during the whole week but this is another story...
Hi @ron282 - thanks for your positive message! I haven't worked on the Bluetooth implementation personally, but I will pass your words on to Hannu and Bea.
chris.adams ( 2015-06-24 09:52:44 +0200 )editThis is like small success stories. Good idea! Yesterday we took a long forest-hike with the consultantcompany I work for. Some of us started their droids and iphone apps for tracking distance and speed and all that.
I tested MeeRun in my jolla and was surprised how competent it was with graphs, altitude compensation and stuff. Really love it! The Jolla and not the least the community is great!
Larswad ( 2015-06-24 11:21:46 +0200 )edit@chris.adams: I can also say that Bluetooth implementation has made an very good progress. In the beginning I couldn't connect to BMW Business Navigation system at all, after some updates I worked perfectly including transferring the contacts. Other cars that don't provide contact import worked from the beginning. I would only like to see all supported profiles for a connection some pairings just tell "not recognized profiles" but I don't know which they are.
Maybe It's possible to just write a list of all supported profiles in sailfish into the Bluetooth setting page?
PatsJolla ( 2015-06-24 12:24:27 +0200 )editI used Jolla bluetooth connection with company Volvo V70 and S60 cars and it worked flawlessly. Both music streaming (from Cutespot) and phone functions. It encouraged me to buy Parrot MKi 9100 for my own car, but it has yet to be installed. Hopefully it works as well on that one too!
MSH ( 2015-06-24 15:21:44 +0200 )edit