Information regarding crowdfunding tablet? [answered]
Good Morning Jollas, I have been waiting impatiently in the outskirts of the outskirts. Looking for clues, riddles and trying to solve the mystery...but without result. I have been waiting, reading and waited some more…
Now, I feel it is time to ask you a direct question: What is going on with the information flow regarding the tablet lately?
It was more than 2 months since last blog post regarding tablet and also wrote that we would get some info about the screen in a new blog post @ please go and read the questions and answers in your old blog posts as well.
Also, What is going with you loan program? Active or inactive? would also be good to say something about this?
I don’t really care when you deliver the tablet since I’m supporting you and know you are doing you best every day! But since, it’s a crowdfunding campaign, I feel that information flow is a bit more important than for other products that you might developed/developing since this a crowdfunding campaign and we’re the crowed. I want to be involved or rather...informed.
Here is a link to your blog incase you forgot ;)
Hope to see an information update any day now.
Agreed! Crowdfunding is working together with those who fund. Jolla could look at and learn from how Dirk, Kimmoli and Andrew managed that in their TOHKBD campaign. Time for DIT to step in on this Sailors!
simo ( 2015-06-29 20:46:20 +0200 )editYa, it'd be nice to get all this new information! :)
juiceme ( 2015-06-29 22:20:27 +0200 )editI'm also getting a little concerned that July starts this week and we've heard nothing yet. I know they're busy, but a quick: "We're on track" or "We're not on track" would be nice to hear.
I don't mind either way (well I do, but I'll wait). But I think communication could be a little better.
vicdavery ( 2015-06-29 22:52:21 +0200 )editFully agree... just a short update about the status and expected schedule would be enough for sure...
ramoth ( 2015-06-30 01:09:07 +0200 )editI totally agree. It's not a problem if you have to postpone shipping for whatever legitimate reason, something like this is to be expected in a crowdfounding campaing. The real point here is communication or better lack of communication. We as the "Crowd" gave you quite a bit of money to work on this project, and I think we can expect to at least be informed about the progress / status.
seiichiro0185 ( 2015-06-30 08:58:28 +0200 )edit