what is the use of the LOOP option on mobile network? [answered]
Hello all,
as casually said there is never stupid questions.
The one that i ask me for is.
What is really the use of the LOOP function on /System/mobile-network/ configuration.
There is some thread which reference on it.
Nothing is described in the Os-guide on the jolla website.
And i can search with never-ending on the web with the key Loop mobile network option.
Nothing is described in detail what should happen by de/activate it.
Could someone give a response on this "mystery" please, that would be nice.
Thanks in advance
Lots of thanks to MoritzJT, V10lator and xllndr for the illumination on the usage of the "option". I never thought that is a mobile-phone provider option, but a an Native OS Option.
Maybe should be fine if Jolla make a little doc on it, or add explicit that is a mobile provider option for better understanding.
Have nice sail
@MoritzJT that's a pertinent answer. could you please convert it as answer? so i could maybe close it with as clear as possible later.
cemoi71 ( 2015-07-09 12:58:57 +0200 )edit