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[SOLVED] Stale NFS File Handle: lost access to images, camera and browser

asked 2015-07-11 21:09:42 +0200

chroniz gravatar image

updated 2015-07-21 15:49:20 +0200

My Jolla rebooted a few days ago two times in a row while I was browsing images and internet with Sailfish browser. Some time after this, I noticed that the following functions don't seem to work anymore: - Camera fails to save any images - Gallery doesn't show any images appearing on internal memory - Sailfish browser starts like it would be started for the first time, but doesn't open any pages from bookmarks or address bar

When using terminal to start apps and browsing to the Camera folder that should contain images, I got the error message "Stale NFS file handle" in all cases.

How would I go to fix this issue without a factory reset? According to what I know, some directories/files would need to unmounted and mounted again, but I don't know yet which.

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"Stale NFS file handle" !? Have you added some NFS service as that is non-standard.

Philippe De Swert ( 2015-07-11 22:02:38 +0200 )edit

Nope, I can't even think of any 3rd party NFS services I'd have installed.

chroniz ( 2015-07-12 12:00:49 +0200 )edit

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answered 2015-07-21 15:45:42 +0200

chroniz gravatar image

Strangely, it seems that the issue has been now solved almost by itself. I haven't been able to access to gallery images in a month, but now images appear in a gallery again and the folder can be browsed with a shell, too. Camera is saving images to the gallery without issues and Sailfish browser works properly again.

I did check updates with "version --dup" on terminal today, but IIRC, the system seemed to only download some language-related packages seemingly having nothing to with the issue in hand. After rebooting the phone, the phone was working properly again, though.

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Asked: 2015-07-11 21:09:42 +0200

Seen: 324 times

Last updated: Jul 21 '15