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Nut Smart Tracker App

asked 2015-07-22 17:06:37 +0200

aimel gravatar image

updated 2015-07-22 17:08:21 +0200

Hello! I've bought two Nut Trackers, but there's a problem with software. When trying to install, I get an error message:

"Parse error: There was a problem while parsing the package."

Is this a problem with Android app not working on Sailfish? How can I use these trackers, is there a compatible software?



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answered 2015-07-22 19:51:10 +0200

Fuzzillogic gravatar image

updated 2015-07-22 19:54:44 +0200

Current Jolla's Android implementation does not support bluetooth. Unfortunately, those nuts won't work, unless a native app is developed. However, this might with upcoming SailfishOS 2.0, but I wouldn't hold my breath, especially for Bluetooth LE…

Another reason the app won't work might be that it requires google's very closed play services to be installed. You can install those services, unless you value privacy and/or try to keep your device free from bloat.

Last but not least: the app seems to require Android 4.3. Current Jolla's implementation is 4.1. Upcoming release of SailfishOS 2.0 will be Android 4.4.

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Ohhh nooooo... so there's THREE obstacles. Damn it! I wonder if there's anything like this that would work on Jolla? The tracker should be quite small, so another phone is not an option.

aimel ( 2015-07-22 20:09:44 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-07-22 17:06:37 +0200

Seen: 842 times

Last updated: Jul 22 '15