How long should the pre-update optimizer take?
Got a notice this morning of an upcoming update ( and that Jolla needs to do some optimization. I started the tool, screen went black, led is on (white) and nothing else happens. This has been ongoing for two and a half hours now.
Tried tapping the screen and shortly pressing the power button - nothing happens. Am i just too impatient or is something wrong. How to abort process safely?
[update: 8hrs now and counting]
My phone did this file system optimization on the release before .25, and while it took quite some time, the screen remained on and I could see a progress bar.
ossi1967 ( 2015-07-28 10:44:49 +0200 )editStill nothing, hopefully this didn't get brick'd now :/
jylipaa ( 2015-07-28 11:29:10 +0200 )editIf the device is unable to balance properly this is usually due to internal storage actually being full and not just duplicates of metadata, someone reported hours if not days to complete, after deleting a bigger file it was done within minutes. As you are unable to interact, you may try to ssh in and delete something or just wait till it is over.
chemist ( 2015-07-28 11:53:12 +0200 )editI think i have disabled developer mode, so i just wait. Truly hope that it won't take days as i kinda need my phone and were prepared for one hour downtime as that's what the update tool said. I also have run the optimizer once already when came, so this taking so long surprises me. But i'll try to be patient.
jylipaa ( 2015-07-28 13:24:38 +0200 )editHi @jylipaa, and welcome to TJC. Could you add some relevant tags into your question please?
simo ( 2015-07-28 14:42:34 +0200 )edit