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Possibility to increase volume of the earpiece?

asked 2015-08-08 16:13:54 +0200

Lupus gravatar image

updated 2015-08-09 13:52:27 +0200

During calls I almost understand nothing because of the too low volume of the earpiece. Since I have my Jolla, the volume never was very loud. But now, I think after the latest Udate, it really got worse!

Is there a possibility to increase the volume by software or at least to check the adjusments? Please help! Thanks!

(I know there are some similiar topics of it, but they are not helpful, also quite old and nobody pays attention to it anymore.)

Just to clarify: I mean the (loud)speaker inside the jolla at the top in the middle of the phone. This one you press to your ear during calls.

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You aren't the only one paying attention to the bug, have myself a sony STH-30 earpiece which doesn't allow volume management with the hardware keys on the earpiece on Jolla, on other phones works just fine. There definitely is need for this issue to be addressed @Lupus

DameCENO ( 2015-08-08 16:31:46 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2015-08-16 14:25:24 +0200

pawel gravatar image

today i found this comment in the forum:

I had some other problem with random reboots on the phone and this solution fixed it. One thing I noticed after applying the solution is that the earpiece became louder afterwards. So maybe you could try it to see if it helps. blaztinn (Aug 11 '15)edit

the link in the comment got lost during copy paste ;-) but basically: the user meant that he applied the fix for sudden battery loss and this also fixed the loudness of his earpiece. so turn of jolla, take out battery and then softly push the 3 battery contacts at once i think jolla recommended 15 times ;-)

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Thanks for this hint pawel. I tried it but unfortunately i have no success with it. I am still looking for some software/app/code to increase the volume of the earpiece.

Lupus ( 2015-08-17 15:19:56 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-10-23 17:57:06 +0200

Lupus gravatar image

I bought an earpiece of the Nokia 820 and replaced the original one. The new one fits perfectly and the loudness of the earpiece is now quite good again. So I suppose that the original earpiece had a damage.

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OK, after some reboots and upgrading the phone to the volume of the earpiece is again pretty low! Now I suppose it must be a software problem! Does anybody know how to max the volume of this damn earpiece? Sorry, but I am pretty frustrated right now!

Lupus ( 2015-10-25 13:37:02 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-08-08 19:00:28 +0200

pawel gravatar image

updated 2015-08-19 09:29:37 +0200

yes in openrepos is an app called maxvol. a reboot will reset the setting. so you will need to run it once after each reboot. i think i also saw a script somewhere in the forum that might change the setting permanently. but as a start try the app

[edit august 2015] does not work for earpiece since 1.1.17

[edit 19.8.2015] one more trial: https://together.jolla.com/question/68113/louder-than-100-volume/ one answer says this: pactl set-sink-volume 1 150%

btw: as there were issues with low speaker sound that were corrected by pressing on the jolla phone ;-) are you sure you do not have an bad-contact-issue ?

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I tried the app. Unfortunately there is no effect to the speaker at the top of the phone (earpiece). The effect is only to the loudspeaker at the bottom of the phone. To the one which allows to hear music loud for example.

If there would be a similar app to "maxvol" which affects the upper speaker (earpiece), this would be great and very helpful. I am not experienced in programming. So maybe some of you could to it?

Lupus ( 2015-08-09 14:03:01 +0200 )edit

not true on my jolla: i did run csd tool and run the receiver test, this plays music in the earspeaker first i changed value to 140% then to 45% there was a big difference in the loudness of the earspeaker

pawel ( 2015-08-09 14:59:29 +0200 )edit

have you tried only to increase or also to decrease the volume ?

oh and the app has a setting to apply the changed value on reboot too.

pawel ( 2015-08-09 15:03:22 +0200 )edit

I tried the app again and I used the csd tool. First I decreased the volume to 50% and run receiver and loudspeaker test. After this I increased the volume to 150% and run again receiver and loudspeaker test. In all four cases the volume didn't change in csd tool. Only when I play music (loud) over the media app, I can hear the volume changes. Then I tried to call myself to test the earpiece, but nothing changed. My earpiece is still pretty quiet. I am really not sure if the maxvol app will also affect the earpiece...

Lupus ( 2015-08-09 16:31:15 +0200 )edit

wondering why it does on mine. i have applied the patch: disable volume warning and i am running 1.1.16

pawel ( 2015-08-09 16:51:43 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-08-08 16:13:54 +0200

Seen: 1,213 times

Last updated: Oct 23 '15