Mobile Network Connection for Sprint Network on Nexus 5 Port
asked 2015-08-18 02:22:38 +0200

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Hello All, Submitted a few posts on XDA and in Freenode IRC, they both advised posting here. Having some issues with a port of Sailfish on Nexus 5. I am able to make calls just fine and get an internet connection via WLAN, but am unable to connect to the mobile internet connection with consistency (if I am able to connect I soon lose connection) or send/receive SMS. I am on the Sprint network (which is CDMA) in US which does not use SIM cards. Could the lack of a SIM be cause of the problem? Things I have tried to fix this problem:
Changing the SMS center number to the correct number.
Changing the max size of messages to all of the selections.
Changing the connection method to IPv6 or Dual. (It is able to connect for a short time when Dual is selected, but eventually get the "Problem with connection" notification along the top of the screen.
Changing from automatically connecting to the network and selecting Sprint manually.
Any advice would be awesome. Even if it's just, "Sorry, it's not going to work on that network."