Fruux synced calendar multiplying in Jolla calendar
I'm getting weird behavior with calendar app and Fruux: Now, every time a calendar is synced with Fruux, it will create a duplicate in the Jolla app, thus the calendar setting is being populated with a Fruux calendars after every sync. I've tried to remove fruux account and set it up again, but the problem still appears. The duplicates are empty, and no new event is synced with Fruux (with the one and only seen on my Fruux calendar page) no matter what calendar is selected when the event is created on Jolla.
As far as I know, I didn't alter anything important before this started happening, just installing and uninstalling few Android apps (uninstalled Wunderlist, Todoist; installed TickTick and of which shouldn't affect Jolla's calendar afaik).
Some insight would be much appreciated.
Also did a request on Fruux's zendesk (Request #13410)
Thanks for the report. Almost certainly this is a bug in the Sailfish OS CalDAV sync plugin, and not a bug in Fruux. I have given instructions in a comment below describing how to get extra debug logs out of the sync process, which may help me to investigate this issue.
chris.adams ( 2015-08-28 07:45:12 +0200 )editWell, this bug is still present today, . Any news?
Aslanex ( 2017-06-06 20:01:01 +0200 )edit