background picture faded
Since the latest update my home-screen with a rose picture is faded on both sides by the event screen, which is not nice. Only after swiping to events-view, going back to home-screen > the picture has its normal colours.
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Since the latest update my home-screen with a rose picture is faded on both sides by the event screen, which is not nice. Only after swiping to events-view, going back to home-screen > the picture has its normal colours.
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Asked: 2015-10-06 13:46:35 +0200
Seen: 159 times
Last updated: Oct 07 '15
Suggestion: Add option to use pictures as "normal" background. [released]
Possibility to customize application background
Different Ambience backgrounds in cover view and applications [duplicate]
How to change mail background? [duplicate]
BUG: After update Android apps close sometimes when swiped to background [released]
Auto-lock is in the background when android apps are maximized [released]
Automatically start Media Player app from head-phone's play button
[Suggestion] Background solid when no app is running + fading animation
@K and J I altered your wording a bit, home-screen is where the covers are, launcher is where the icons are.
chemist ( 2015-10-07 10:29:25 +0200 )edit