Anyone actually use swipe from bottom?
asked 2015-10-19 15:27:52 +0200
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Hey, sailors.
I find myself not using swipe from bottom at all. And when i need to open new app, i just swipe from side and then flick up.
So i was wandering, if anyone actually use that action to open the app drawer?
I added the two alternatives I know of, so people can vote on what they use. I can't vote on my own alternatives, but I can say I swipe and flick (including eventuall scrolling, when I have more than 9 covers).
Mohjive ( 2015-10-19 15:43:13 +0200 )editYes, I do. All the time. (And this question looks familiar but I cannot be bothered to look for its older sister.)
pichlo ( 2015-10-19 15:44:06 +0200 )edit@virgi26 how can i open apps by "swipe from side and then flick up"? (i really dont understand what this is describing)
i dont know any other way of opening apps than swipe from bottom to access the app grid. please explain
misc11 ( 2015-10-19 15:52:55 +0200 )edit"Swipe from side" to get to the home screen, then "flick up" to open the app drawer.
"Slide from bottom" to bring up the app drawer now works in any screen, including inside a running app.
pichlo ( 2015-10-19 15:55:12 +0200 )edit@pichlo thanks for clarifying - so swipe from side is just to go to homescreen... and i didnt even know that on homescreen you only need to "flick up" to get to the app drawer :)
misc11 ( 2015-10-19 16:02:05 +0200 )edit