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[trouble]Probably bricked by itself :( [Fixed]

asked 2015-10-24 09:54:41 +0200

iKeivs gravatar image

updated 2015-10-24 20:36:17 +0200

Hello. Today my Jolla offered update to SFOS. I performed all steps (batt was approx 65 % and connected to the charger). It started to optimize file system, and during optimization it restarted by itself. Jolla logo appeared, and also Led was on (White). After few seconds screen dimmed and LED keeps lighting. and it goes approx few hours.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

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3 Answers

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answered 2015-10-24 19:09:35 +0200

iKeivs gravatar image

So, this method saved my day. useful, when device is bricked, 100% will work reflashing the device. The fact that the all data on the device will be wiped. Also It will take a long time to get the latest FW version. Here it is

Such method helped for me since Symbian times

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answered 2015-10-24 10:06:21 +0200

hoschi gravatar image

Last resort, reset it:

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first of all I picked "5) Try btrfs recovery if your device is in bootloop" and now I'm waiting. Update: I decided to perform factory reset, but I think, there is something gone wrong

Jolla Recovery v0.3.1

Welcome to the recovery tool! The available options are: 1) Reset device to factory state 2) Reboot device 3) Bootloader unlock [Current state: unlocked] 4) Shell 5) Try btrfs recovery if your device is in bootloop 6) Exit Type the number of the desired action and press [Enter]:

ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED! Clears everything from the device and reverts the software back to factory state. This means LOSING EVERYTHING you have added to the device (e.g. updates, apps, accounts, contacts, photos and other media). Are you really SURE? [y/N] y[CLEANUP] Starting cleanup! [CLEANUP] Umounting top volume... [CLEANUP] Deleting /mnt [CLEANUP] Cleanup done. Mounting /dev/mmcblk0p28 on /mnt sh: unlock: unknown operand

Type your devicelock code and press [ENTER] key: (please note that the typed numbers won't be shown for security reasons) ^[[6~[OK] Code accepted. sh: unlock: unknown operand sh: shell: unknown operand [OK] Factory snapshots found. Resetting procedure started! Backing up current root and home subvolumes. If the backup fails, the old data w ill be deleted to let the recovery process continue. mv: can't rename '/mnt/@': Read-only file system [WARNING] Couldn't backup rootfs, maybe the filesystem is corruped. The rootfs subvolume will now be deleted to let the recovery process continue. Transaction commit: none (default) Delete subvolume '/mnt/@' ERROR: cannot delete '/mnt/@' - Read-only file system [ERROR] While deleting old user data! [CRITICAL] The current system subvolumes could not be moved or deleted! The recovery process cannot continue! [CLEANUP] Starting cleanup! [CLEANUP] Umounting top volume... [CLEANUP] Umounting /mnt

iKeivs ( 2015-10-24 10:21:31 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-03 22:53:52 +0200

tw gravatar image

Exactly the same happened to my device today. Was supposed to sleep instead of trying to figure out how to recover my phone.

The available options are: 1) Reset device to factory state 2) Reboot device 3) Bootloader unlock [Current state: locked] 4) Shell 5) Try btrfs recovery if your device is in bootloop 6) Exit Type the number of the desired action and press [Enter]: 1

ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED! Clears everything from the device and reverts the software back to factory state. This means LOSING EVERYTHING you have added to the device (e.g. updates, apps, accounts, contacts, photos and other media). Are you really SURE? [y/N] y[CLEANUP] Starting cleanup! [CLEANUP] Umounting top volume... [CLEANUP] Deleting /mnt [CLEANUP] Cleanup done. Mounting /dev/mmcblk0p28 on /mnt sh: unlock: unknown operand [OK] No lockcode has been set. Proceeding... sh: unlock: unknown operand sh: shell: unknown operand [OK] Factory snapshots found. Resetting procedure started! Backing up current root and home subvolumes. If the backup fails, the old data will be deleted to let the recovery process continue. [WARNING] The root subvolume was not found! [WARNING] Couldn't backup rootfs, maybe the filesystem is corruped. The rootfs subvolume will now be deleted to let the recovery process continue. Transaction commit: none (default) Delete subvolume '/mnt/@' ERROR: cannot delete '/mnt/@' - Read-only file system [ERROR] While deleting old user data! [CRITICAL] The current system subvolumes could not be moved or deleted! The recovery process cannot continue! [CLEANUP] Starting cleanup! [CLEANUP] Umounting top volume... [CLEANUP] Umounting /mnt

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Tree words


The current Recovery options do not work if mmcblk0p28 is unmountable state and btrfs check --repair can not fix it which quite often is the situation with btrfs crashes.

pata ( 2015-11-29 16:20:42 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-10-24 09:54:41 +0200

Seen: 1,056 times

Last updated: Nov 03 '15