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[bug] Timer time has no space

asked 2015-10-26 18:31:54 +0200

gri4994 gravatar image

updated 2015-11-04 21:59:19 +0200

tokaru gravatar image

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As you can see, there is no space between number and word

Not a big bug, but UI should be perfect :)

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-01-17 20:55:35 +0200

AliN gravatar image

This can be fixed by editing the file:

/usr/share/jolla-alarm-ui/pages/TimerAlarmDialog.qml line 27:

        valueText: alarm.hour + " "

and line 35:

        valueText: alarm.minute + " "

I can make a patch for this, but does it worth a patch?

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No, it will only cause conflicts when the eventual update which fixes this bug arrives. Patches are a cool idea to add some features that are unlikely to become part of the OS, but they shouldn't be used to fix bugs.

nthn ( 2016-01-17 21:13:16 +0200 )edit

@nthn, one should disable all patches before installing updates so the conflict is not the matter. And of course I'm thinking just in the opposite: Jolla should establish a mechanism to accept and merge patches in their updates. Anyway as I know Jolla, problems of this kind will never get solved soon.

AliN ( 2016-01-18 15:28:08 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-10-26 18:31:54 +0200

Seen: 261 times

Last updated: Jan 17 '16