Keyboard layouts possible to provide in Jolla store?
Is it possible for devs to make additional keyboard layouts available through the Jolla app store?
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Is it possible for devs to make additional keyboard layouts available through the Jolla app store?
To the question: no, not currently: you need to edit layouts.conf as said, and you can only install into /usr/share/app-name/
That said, I have an ongoing discussion to make this area saner. I'll try to follow up.
On you find a vkb rpm package said to be installable on Sailfish OS just using a file manager. This means, the install path for applications does not seem to be a full stop for vkb installation ex store. Possible procedure:
The layouts available do not need (all) to be provided by Jolla, see my request here: (It should be simple to parse user provided layout files automatically for inacceptable code.) However, I accept: The whole concept needs a couple of days of programming, so in the light of more important issues, this is not something to be implemented in the short term.
jgr ( 2014-02-13 02:47:21 +0200 )editApparently keyboard layouts are easy: Check Kaacz's answer (incl. keyboard definition file) in character ő is missing thread.
(hint: check /usr/share/maliit/plugins/com/jolla/layouts/
create your own layout, and add it to the layouts.conf then reboot systemctl --user restart maliit-server.service
) found this. now I have to figure out how to create a .qml file
fotis ( 2013-12-25 22:12:08 +0200 )editDetailed instructions:
jgr ( 2014-02-03 15:56:33 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-25 14:50:03 +0200
Seen: 732 times
Last updated: Feb 13 '15
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I would like to get Romanian layout too, preferably a full layout with the extra chars instead of the hold-key-and-select-char method.
clau ( 2013-12-25 15:26:11 +0200 )editand maybe add missing keys to uk layout (at least ¬ isn't there) or make it possible to create complete keyboards as "app"
kelvan ( 2013-12-25 19:36:18 +0200 )editanother option to add unlisted keys language from keyboard... add "unlisted"... connect jolla store ...let select the new keyboard "swiss french" (FR-ch or CH_fr) as exemple
redge73 ( 2013-12-28 04:12:15 +0200 )edit